Naturevolution acts for the protection of unique, underestimated natural spaces, rich in biodiversity and threatened, the improvement of the knowledge on the alive as well as for the modification of the individual and collective behavior in favour of the nature, via the balance between concrete operations of preservation and education to the environment.


> The Restoration of the degraded spaces

> Science and exploration

> Raising awareness & education

> Ecotourism

> Management of the Protected Areas

Protect and dissocier the planet's last virgin lands ! 

Some regions, kept completely unexplored, have become a refugee for endangered or extinct species. Unfortunately, these treasures of biodiversity are threatened by the degradation of natural habitats.

It is urgent to accelerate the inventory and preservation of these real «Lost Worlds». This is our goal.

The Makay, a paradise to protect...

Location of the Makay range in Madagascar (Africa)

...To protect from man! 

Urbanization - Non-controlled Single-crop farming and livestock farming - Deforestation techniques using fire. 

57 species of birds, 51 species of mammals and 61 species of amphibians – all endemic – are listed as threatened, and 45 extinctions are registered in the IUCN's Red List of the world's endangered species.

Facing this reality, while ~3% of Madagascar's land is officially protected in the legislative framework of national parks and natural reserves, the government of the island set the target to triple the protected area within a decade [Durban, WCP 2003]  (Source:

Project to finance: 

Building schools

The construction of 2 neighboring schools at the makay, one at the Tsivoko and  another at Boronono.

Educating more than 120 uneducated children's! 

> Create awareness on the existing relationships between the nature degradation and the noted damage on the conditions of life, health, food, and also the climate.

> Innovate on a agricultural level, which implies a better production away from draining natural resources to survive. 

> Develop new profit generating activities and open up new horizons, create opportunities for employment and professionalism for the youth that will distract them from engaging in some practices that are particularly harmful to the environment. 




Education is the essential key to succeed in conservation projects